To: Thurrock Council chief executive Lyn Carpenter

Thurroc Council should anwere questions from the local press

Revers the decision not to answer any questions from the local paper The Thurrock Independent.

Why is this important?

News papers (both national and local) do a very important job of holding those in power to account.
But the Thurrock Council chief executive Lyn Carpenter has decided not to be held to account by blocking the local newspaper and refusing to answer any questions.
By this the people of Thurrock will be kept in the dark about what their council is doing. Are the hiding something?
Today it is Thurrock council but if they get away with this then tomorrow it could be your or my council.
I think we should all be concerned about our democracy and make sure that Thurrock Council don't get away with it and send out a message to other councils that they can't do the same.
Read more on this story
I live in a borough which has had it's elected mayor charged with corruption. This was brought about by journalist doing a good job so I know how important it is for journalist to be able to do their job.

How it will be delivered

If we all email Lyn Carpenter and fill her inbox this could be enough to make her to change her mind.
Chief Executive @ Thurrock Council
