To: John Wihittingdale MP. Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport

Ticket sales and Booking and Administration fees

I want the Government to take action about the fees put on the sale of Tickets for Live performance bands and Theatre Acting performances.

These fees need to be lowered and there should only be one booking fee, not a booking fee on every ticket. What I mean by this is, if a family of 4 book 4 tickets then the fee should be for booking the 4 tickets as no one books the tickets separately.

Why is this important?

This is important because people have to pay an administration fee, then a booking fee, then a postage fee. Ticket allocators like Ticketmaster are using other second hand party allocators to sell tickets and this also puts the price of tickets up. Not everyone can afford these very demanding prices, don't forget we also have the price of the ticket to pay for as well.