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To: Food & Agriculture Minister

To Maintain UK Food Standards Post EU

Strongly speak out against and resist interference from the US Ambassador to the UK Woody Johnson, in linking a future US/UK Trade deal with acceptance of US food standards (generally considered inferior, of higher risk to health and poor on labeling standards) and to let him know that the British people and the British farming & agriculture community will not tolerate such interference and, if necessary, will avoid US imported foods should this happen.

Why is this important?

The quality of the food we eat is fundamental to our health and wellbeing. This is neither a pro or anti-Brexit petition but one that focuses on our fundamental right to eat food that does not increase risk of harm either in the short or long term, to know what we are eating through full disclosure labeling and to have full choice in the consumers' hands. It is also vital that the US Ambassador understands that we as a country will not tolerate US imposition of US standards decided by the US food industry rather than by those who eat it.

United Kingdom

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2020-06-06 22:47:00 +0100

25 signatures reached

2019-03-28 16:52:04 +0000

10 signatures reached