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To: Nottingham County Council

Traffic calming Buckingham Road Woodthorpe

Invest in traffic calming measures to discourage unnecessary through traffic
and reducing vehicle speeds.

Why is this important?

Parallel to the A60 Buckingham Road and Woodthorpe Avenue are used as regular cut-throughs at all hours of the day, with many cars well exceeding the national speed limit. A number of pet animals have been injured or killed and with a number of young children of school age living on Buckingham Road and surrounding roads, road safety in the area has to improve. Woodthorpe Avenue has speed awareness signs with little impact. More must be done.

How it will be delivered

Deliver petition to Nottingham County Council with request to undertake a study of Buckingham Road traffic volumes and speeds, with a view to put appropriate traffic calming measures in place.

Buckingham Road, Woodthorpe

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2016-11-30 11:05:59 +0000

10 signatures reached