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To: The corrupt govenment of the uk

True democray- people power

This campaign has ended.


Why is this important?

Here's what I Propose Its a simple system, there's a 'problem that needs solving' or a 'Decision that needs to be made' , the elected rep of the people aka 'Administrator of the peoples wishes 'should put forward solutions for each 'problem/decision' for the public to vote on, on a government website,, if the solutions get a no vote then another solution is needed, voting by internet, text, phone line, email etc with your national insurance number/bank/email verification to avoid double voting.This system of the public voting daily from the comfort of our home is only possibly due to the technology we all take for granted today, phones computers and internet etc, and allows us the Public of the British Isles to control what our government does thus ensuring it works in our best interests. For example The public to vote on creating our own currency not dependant on private banks- The printing of our own Bradbury pound so we don't borrow from credit card company/Private bank aka The Bank of England (yes its not a bank nor of England- just a corporation) would stop our national debt growing exponentially and declare previous debt unlawful ( common law without honour by the lender and lendee , prev governments) as in whats just happened with Wonga loans and thus this would clear our national debt, this would have a impact on how much tax you pay as there is no debt or interest of the government so in effect people would keep more of their wages for themselves. We can currently withdraw our pensions to our bank accounts, and our savings /current accounts from there we can purchase online Gold (by purchasing online we do not cause a 'run on the banks' where we all try to get the bits of paper ,cash that represents the money in the system of which there is not enough and you get civil disorder chaos etc), we then take our gold to the bradbury bank and if you bought £5000 GBP in gold then it is deposited for £5000 Bradbury pounds, The gold sits there as the peoples gold (no borrowing, gambling loaning etc it just sits there), you can go back to the Bradbury bank and walk away with the same physical amount of gold that you originally deposited, this way our gold is actually linked/traded in net weight not what the market is doing that week. This allows the UK public to move their hard earned life savings pensions to Gold to the Bradbury pound.This gives us a real tangible asset based currency. Rough estimates from my experience of credit and debit is that around 1/3 of the Tax you pay on your wages is paying the interest on the bank of england credit card that our government has borrowed. How much better of would you be without paying that interest? similarly look at mortgages, a mortgage of £1100 interest is around another £350 if its a capital and interest mortgage, so how much would your life change if a mortgage was £350 roughly a month, for some that would mean home ownership. We do not launch any kind of military action without public voting, yes even if its an aid drop with military acting as bodyguards it needs to be voted on. We should be able to have almost everything the government does as a vote able item on a government website. If The people would like me to be a ' Administrator of the Peoples wishes' who is also 'the normal guy' do feel free. I'm horrified by these councils closing housing estates to make luxury flats that the poor cant afford. I'm astounded at the bullshit planning laws that make it so difficult for you or me to buy some land and build a home on it for our families- funny the developers don't have this problem. AND YES I'M APPALLED AT HOW OUR COUNTRY WILL BE WRECKED BY FRACKING. I see myself as no different to the everyday man in the street with exactly the same rights as you. I do not see myself as being above the Law. which as i see it has problem at the moment namely Conflict of Interest, with a policeman acting under oath as a police constable and upholding common law and preventing a breach of the peace and then also acting under a corporation title of police officer enforcing corporation statutes (parliament legislation) onto Citizens, Surely the parliament statutes should only be applicable to Corporations and not citizens- thus being in essence a citizens safeguard ensuring corporations are controlled, this would also remove the conflict of interest in the policeman's job titles as he is only enforcing corporation statutes against a corporation not a citizen.If you like how i think and what i say then feel free to elect me as 'administrator of the peoples wishes' as i envisioned this truest form of democracy 10 years ago, i never wanted to get into politics but the world i see coming tomorrow for my boy and your children is not a free and pleasant world for innocent children to grow up in, just under the fracking issue they will have licences to frack 60% of the UK and that means that those fields and streams and meadows we want our children to have will be on land leased by




2015-05-13 00:11:08 +0100

10 signatures reached