To: Robert Jenrick

UK Government: Find the missing child migrants

Please confirm that you will make finding the 150-200 missing child migrants, who are now highly vulnerable to modern slavery and abuse, the number one priority of your time in office. Please confirm that plans to find these children will shortly be debated in parliament and then acted upon.

Why is this important?

Dear Mr Jenrick

There are currently between 150 and 200 missing child migrants in this country. These are children directly under the responsibility of the state. They are missing from hotels and accommodation where they've been placed by the Home Office.

They either do not have adult family members in this country to look for them or, these adults are detained, without recourse to funds, advocacy, local intelligence or any form of enablement and support to do so.

If this number of British children had gone missing from government care in the last year, there would be a national outcry and you would no doubt be thinking carefully about your position.

How can we treat children from other nations any differently once they are within the UK? What does this say about us as a nation?

Please confirm that you will make finding these children, who are now highly vulnerable to modern slavery and abuse, the number one priority of your time in office. Please confirm that plans to find these children will shortly be debated in parliament and then acted upon.

Children often go missing but most are found again with a short time. There are currently between 150 and 200 child migrants missing within the UK without language skills, without local knowledge, often without parents able to look for them. They are highly vulnerable to human trafficking, modern slavery, and other forms of abuse.

We wouldn't stand for this if they were British children. How can we stand for any children at risk like this within our shores?
