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Universal screening for thyroid disorders before and during pregnancy

Screening women before pregnancy could help us leading healthier pregnancies, all thanks to one extra blood test screening. Please make this possible.

Why is this important?

Had I been screened for thyroid disorder before or during pregnancy, my son would not be borderline hypothyroid now. We found out by chance that his TSH and T4 levels were out of range! I was put at serious risk of losing my baby or him being born with a birth defects and many have already lost their babies for an un-diagnosed thyroid disorder.

I believe that had I been screened for thyroid disorder before or during pregnancy, my son would not be borderline hypothyroid now. We only found out about me being hypothyroid by chance, as I was breastfeeding him and his TSH and T4 levels were out of range because of me, through my breast milk! I was put at serious risk of losing my baby or him being born with even more serious birth defects and so many women have already lost their babies for no apparent reason other than a possible un-diagnosed thyroid disorder. If women were screened in preparation of pregnancy, many unexplained miscarriages, birth defects or lifelong developmental conditions could be maybe avoided or at least contained and controlled, all thanks to one extra blood test screening comparing to what is the current offering under the NHS services for pregnant women. Please make this become possible, as women are then the ones left with the burden to deal with the guilt, the pain and the sorrow of remembering their rainbow babies! Thank you for signing this petition and for pushing it as far up as possible.



2016-07-12 13:01:00 +0100

10 signatures reached