To: Facebook (Meta)
Urge Facebook to crack down on Online Scammers

One of the most common online scams is when a Facebook account is “cloned” i.e. copied. The scammer then pretends to be that person and sends fake friend requests and messages to that person’s friends, asking them to buy gift cards (which the scammers then use) or encouraging them to join fake schemes.
This scam is only possible when the friends list of the Facebook account is visible to everyone i.e. public. This is currently the default setting for all Facebook accounts.
We believe that making friend lists private (at most, visible to friends only) by default can stop this type of scam. By restricting this information, we can make it harder for scammers to identify and prey on vulnerable people, and their friends.
We urge Facebook (Meta), as a responsible global platform with over 3 billion active users, to take immediate action in protecting its user base from such harmful practices.
Please sign this petition if you agree that Facebook (Meta) should restrict everyone's friend list as a step towards reducing online scams and protecting its users' safety and privacy.
This scam is only possible when the friends list of the Facebook account is visible to everyone i.e. public. This is currently the default setting for all Facebook accounts.
We believe that making friend lists private (at most, visible to friends only) by default can stop this type of scam. By restricting this information, we can make it harder for scammers to identify and prey on vulnerable people, and their friends.
We urge Facebook (Meta), as a responsible global platform with over 3 billion active users, to take immediate action in protecting its user base from such harmful practices.
Please sign this petition if you agree that Facebook (Meta) should restrict everyone's friend list as a step towards reducing online scams and protecting its users' safety and privacy.
Why is this important?
I have personally witnessed the devastating effects of online scams. Vulnerable people are often conned into spending hundreds of pounds. This not only results in financial loss, it undermines their confidence, damages their friendships and discourages them from using technology (potentially making them more isolated).