50 signatures reached
To: Norfolk County Council
Urgent Action Needed for Road Safety on Town Street and Rectory Road
We, the undersigned residents of Town Street, Upwell and Rectory Road, Outwell, are deeply concerned about the perilous conditions on our shared road.
The narrow road, inadequate pavements, and the relentless speed of traffic, compounded by the heavy use of the road by lorries, tractors, and other large vehicles, create a grave threat to the safety of pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike. Our community, including many children and elderly residents, is living in fear of being injured or worse. The constant vibration caused by these heavy vehicles is not only distressing but also poses a potential risk to the structural integrity of our homes.
We demand that Norfolk County Council take immediate action to address these pressing issues. We urge you to:
- Conduct a thorough safety audit of Town Street, Upwell and Rectory Road, Outwell, with a specific focus on the impact of heavy vehicle traffic.
- Implement effective speed-reducing measures, such as speed bumps or chicanes, at key locations.
- Reduce the speed limit to 20mph on both roads.
- Install speed cameras to deter dangerous driving.
- Improve pedestrian safety by widening pavements where possible and introducing safe pedestrian crossings such as zebra crossings.
Why is this important?
The safety of our community, particularly our children and elderly residents, is at risk. The constant vibration from heavy traffic is damaging our homes and causing distress.
By uniting as a community, we can create a stronger voice and increase our chances of achieving the necessary changes to make our roads safe for everyone.
By uniting as a community, we can create a stronger voice and increase our chances of achieving the necessary changes to make our roads safe for everyone.