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To: Gloucestershire Highways

Urgent action needed to protect school children on Wotton Road, Kingswood

We need urgent action from Gloucestershire Highways, Applegates Coaches and Euro Coaches to protect our children as they walk to and from KLB and Kingswood village schools. The combination of a narrow pedestrian footpath, pinch point, convoy of coaches, parked cars, and oncoming traffic battling to get through is a recipe for disaster. Coaches regularly, illegally, mount the footpath to get through or turn right on to Charfield Road adding to traffic chaos. There has been a catalogue of near misses and accidents. We were promised a highway safety audit on Wotton Road ahead of the school closing for the summer holidays. This hasn’t happened. Just in the last two weeks, three school children (in two separate incidents) have been clipped by vehicles on their way home from school on this stretch of road. One child had to be treated for a fractured arm.

Why is this important?

If nothing changes, our children continue to be placed at risk from hazards which could lead to serious injuries or death. There is no alternative route to walk to and from Kingswood for children who attend KLB. Kingswood Primary School will be starting their school day earlier from September so pedestrian and vehicle traffic will increase during morning drop off. We need our concerns to be taken seriously and for Gloucestershire Highways to conduct a road safety audit as matter of urgency and address the problem.
Kingswood, Wotton-under-Edge, UK

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