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To: Bolton Council needs to address the dangerous drivers speeding up and down Halliwell Road causing major road accidents, one of which almost took a life on Saturday 28th January 2023!


Halliwell road invites many speeding drivers due to its lack of speed cameras. As a road that links the A666, many speeding drivers race down Halliwell Road with no consequence to their actions. This area of Bolton is an affluent area surrounded by schools, places of religious worship, many shops and residents. These drivers are putting lives at risk. Just over a week ago, Mr Miah Nakshbandi was exiting a side street and was hit by a speeding driver. It almost cost him his life!

We need your urgent support with this petition to make sure Bolton Council listen to our plea to put speed cameras on Halliwell road, particularly outside the area where Lloyds Bank is situated. By doing this, we are making the road safer for our community, particularly our children and the elderly.

We have recently contacted the Bolton News to raise awareness of the need for speed cameras.

Our Local Labour Team Cllr Rabiya Jiva, Mr Kevin Morris and Mr Safwaan Patel, have also supported the cause and are working with the local community to make Halliwell Road a safer place to live.

Will you sign our petition and help make our area a safer place to be?

Thank you for your much needed support.

Why is this important?

Having speed cameras on Halliwell road is important particularly when we have the hustle and bustle of everyday life. We have school runs, lunch times as well as the commutes to and from work. As drivers on the road, we are responsible for driving safely. Unfortunately, a minority have made Halliwell Road a dangerous place to cross. Even though we have traffic lights and zebra crossings, it just isn't enough! We need to implement speed cameras to keep the community safe and to catch those who are driving dangerously.

Halliwell Rd, Bolton BL1, UK

Maps © Stamen; Data © OSM and contributors, ODbL


2023-02-21 22:06:21 +0000

It is with deep sadness that Mr Nakshbandi has sadly passed away. Our thoughts, prayers and condolences are with his family. Please share and sign the petition in a hope to raise enough support and signatures so that we can raise awareness to the dangers of speeding. Let's continue to make Halliwell a safer place to live!

2023-02-07 16:15:39 +0000

100 signatures reached

2023-02-06 20:44:12 +0000

50 signatures reached

2023-02-06 19:04:36 +0000

25 signatures reached

2023-02-06 18:27:49 +0000

10 signatures reached