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To: Secretary of State for Energy Ed Davey

Utility Companies are responsible for billing frequently

Energy companies should be forced by legislation to create accurate bills at least every month

Why is this important?

At the moment energy companies are only required to bill you ONCE a year and only need to review your usage against payment every 15 months. The better companies undertake these activities more frequently and have signed up to a charter. However, some of the newer companies which appear to provide cheaper tarriffs do not. With the complicated way in which bills are calculated it is very easy to get into arrears and if you receive an annual bill, it can be for a hefty amount. When people are presented with massive demands they simply can not afford to pay them. Yes they have used the units but without the information they can not provision for the costs. By keeping on top of the problem, with monthly bills, people that need to manage their fiances closely will be in a better position to do so. If companies fail to produce accurate monthly bills they should have to right off the costs.



2019-04-29 08:34:12 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-08-05 11:14:07 +0100

10 signatures reached