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To: The Vale of White Horse District Council

Vale of White Horse District Council - support the real Living Wage!
We the undersigned petition the Vale of White Horse District Council to:

1) Pay at least the Living Wage Foundation rate to all employees.

2) Work collaboratively with all existing suppliers and contractors to the council to encourage them also to pay at least the Living Wage Foundation rate.

3) Display the Living Wage Employer Mark to recognise their commitment to the Living Wage and to take the lead in encouraging businesses locally to do the same.

Why is this important?

The Living Wage is an hourly pay rate (currently £8.75) which is calculated for the Living Wage Foundation and updated every October.

The Living Wage is higher than the government's National Living Wage, which replaced the National Minimum Wage.

It is based on the cost of living and designed to ensure that employees and their families can live free from poverty. The real Living Wage is voluntarily paid by over 4,400 UK employers who believe a hard day's work deserves a fair day's pay.
Vale of White Horse District

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2019-01-30 10:51:38 +0000

10 signatures reached