To: The UK Government

Vote Online

All voters should have the option to be able to vote online, in every general, and local election.

Why is this important?

Imagine an election, where your vote would be as easy as checking an update on your phone.

In our age of social media, everything is online - from our pensions, tax details, banking and car insurance - and so voting online should be a service for people too. If citizens were able to vote online, this would empower thousands more people to register and vote: as a vote would simply be a question of logging into your smartphone, and swiping right or left, to select your candidate or party of choice.

Please add your signature to help petition the UK Government, to make online voting an option for all general and local elections in the UK.

Let's put democracy in the palms of people's hands,

How it will be delivered

To stay true to the theme of online democracy, I plan to email the signatures to Parliament, and petition them to change the law, by adding a vote online, as an option alongside a vote in person or by proxy.