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To: The government

We demand full PPE for all staff, regardless of their environment

I wish the government to grant every healthcare worker the right to wear FFP3 masks, long sleeved, gowns and gogles , in whatever area they may work to ensure their protection from the Coronavirus.
I also wish the government to reinstate the Covid - 19 virus as a High Consequence Infectious Disease

Why is this important?

Healthcare staff are becoming extremely sick and some are dying because they don't have access to full PPE.
Staff are being bullied by the hierarchy and are not being allocated to use PPE to the level whereby the feel safe . This goes against NMC and HCPC codes of conduct



2020-04-11 21:39:06 +0100

100 signatures reached

2020-04-11 15:54:45 +0100

50 signatures reached

2020-04-11 13:32:47 +0100

25 signatures reached

2020-04-11 13:07:04 +0100

10 signatures reached