To: Boris Johnson

We Want Proportion Representation

We want you to change the current First past the post electoral system to a proportional system.

Why is this important?

The 'great British democracy' which you have campaigned so passionately for in recent months needs changing. An Oxford educated man will understand that the current first past the post system is failing. For to long have we had to live with an outdated electoral system which leaves millions of us unrepresented. In the 2015 general election 5.1 million people voted for UKIP and Green and each received only 1 seat. Whereas the Lib Dems received 2.4m votes and won 8 seats!

I speak as someone who has been unrepresented in parliament ever since I came of age, I voted in the last electoral reform referendum which was a mere humor exercise as the vote amounted to no real change.

If you are gong to 'bring democracy back', bring a representative one.

P.S. if you have time also reform the House of Lords - your campaign made a point of highlighting the unelected European Commission yet you seem to forget your friends, the appointed 'Lords'.