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To: Suffolk County Council and East Suffolk Council have already given the incinerator the consent on our behalf. We the people now require SCC and ES to revoke the planning permission and the permit.

Who really wants an incinerator in Beccles?

Photo by Niklas Weiss on Unsplash

We the people of Beccles require SCC to revoke the planning consent based on potential administration errors regarding the actual planning conditions. Falsely denying incineration risks undermines public trust, stifles debate, blocks measures to reduce pollution, harms public health and increases costs to society. Should this incinerator go ahead 100 people have pledged to take a Live Blood Test/ Darkfield Analysis (NASA Approved) before the incinerator is built and another test 6 months after the incinerator has been fully operational. Should these post blood tests show a substantial increase in toxins, pathogens and heavy metals a legal Notice of Liability will be issued to every named person involved in the decision to build an incinerator. These decision makers will be held liable to a financial penalty of settlement for each person showing respiratory injury or other associated health conditions.

Why is this important?

Too many council officials are forgetting the actual people they serve and appear to be wilfully serving themselves. For example the legally binding carbon budgets are being ignored by our local authorities: After the horrific Post Office debacle which has been strung out for years, do we really trust that these officials have our best interests at heart? Or is it all about commercial financial gain at our expense? We need to take action and stop these people from ruining our health which ultimately ruins lives.

Ellough, Beccles NR34, UK

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