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To: Scottish Government

Winchburgh Train Station Campaign

We want the Scottish Government and Transport Scotland to come together to fund and build a new train station at Winchburgh.

Why is this important?

A new Winchburgh station is a vital missing link which will give Winchburgh people direct access to national train services. You can read more about why it is important below.

Growing Population: Winchburgh has been experiencing population growth in recent years. As the population increases, the demand for efficient transportation options also rises. A railway station would provide residents with improved access to public transportation, making it easier for them to commute to work, school, or other destinations.

Connectivity: Winchburgh's current transportation infrastructure is limited. A railway station would connect the village to the broader rail network, enabling residents to travel to nearby towns and cities more easily. This enhanced connectivity can have positive effects on the local economy by attracting businesses, promoting tourism, and facilitating trade.

Commuting to Edinburgh and Glasgow: Winchburgh is situated between the major cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, both of which are significant economic and cultural hubs. A railway station in Winchburgh would provide residents with a convenient transportation option for commuting to these cities for work, education, or leisure activities. This can reduce road congestion, encourage sustainable travel, and enhance overall regional connectivity.

Development and Regeneration: Winchburgh is currently undergoing significant development and regeneration projects. The construction of a railway station can be part of these initiatives, serving as an essential infrastructure component to support the planned growth. It can attract new residents, businesses, and investments to the area, creating a more vibrant and sustainable community.

Environmental Considerations: Promoting sustainable transportation options is becoming increasingly important to mitigate the environmental impact of commuting. By introducing a railway station, Winchburgh can encourage more people to use public transport instead of relying on private vehicles. This can help reduce carbon emissions, air pollution, and overall traffic congestion in the region.

Sue Webber MSP will continue to work with the Scottish Government and West Lothian council to make this project a priority.

Winchburgh, Broxburn EH52, UK

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2024-01-17 21:55:00 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2024-01-11 10:35:28 +0000

I wrote to the Secretary of State for Transport Mark Harper MP, Secretary of State for Scotland Alister Jack MP and the Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Net Zero and Just Transition Mairi McAllan to raise the issue of the train station, funding, and the benefits it would bring to the area.

There is more information about the campaign on my website and I will continue to keep you up to date with any developments.

Thank you for taking the time to support this campaign.

2023-06-14 14:46:27 +0100

I am writing to update you on my Winchburgh Train Station campaign. The Scottish Government appointed a new Transport Minister yesterday, Fiona Hyslop MSP. I have written to the Minister to set out the importance of a train station at Winchburgh and to request a meeting with her to discuss these issues and my campaign.

There is more information about the campaign on my website and I will continue to keep you up to date with any developments.

Thank you for taking the time to support this campaign. I will be attending the Winchburgh Community Council in September and update you after that.

2023-06-04 22:04:43 +0100

500 signatures reached

2023-06-02 13:05:53 +0100

100 signatures reached

2023-06-02 12:35:11 +0100

50 signatures reached

2023-06-02 12:15:08 +0100

25 signatures reached

2023-06-02 11:48:05 +0100

10 signatures reached