Local Groups

38 Degrees Enfield North

Our local group aims to re-boot democracy and to get involved in local and national campaigns.
4 Members

38 Degrees Bromley Borough Mental Health Voices

This group will be an opportunity for patients in the mental health system to come together to share their experiences in order to identify ways to improve the system in the future. Family and friends who have experiences to share are also welcome or if you have an interest in supporting improvements to the mental health system locally and nationally. Please feel free to contact Faye below with any questions.
3 Members

38 Degrees Boston And Skegness

Our local group aims to re-boot democracy and to get involved in local and national campaigns.
1 Members

Stop betting companies 38 Degrees Scunthorpe

Please write in here the vision for your local group you would like to set up.to make the public aware of the problems caused by betting and gambling sites and betting shops.
0 Members