Many studies have associated low-level RFR exposure with a litany of health effects, including DNA single and double-strand breaks (which leads to cancer), oxidative damage (which leads to tissue deterioration and premature ageing), disruption of cell metabolism, increased blood-brain barrier permeability, melatonin reduction (leading to insomnia and increasing cancer risks), disruption of brain glucose metabolism and generation of stress proteins (leading to myriad diseases).
The US National Toxicology Program (NTP) Study on Cell Phone Radiation found “clear evidence” of cancer, heart damage and DNA damage in a $30-million study designed to test the basis for federal safety limits (NIEHS). The heart and brain cancers found in the NTP rats are the same cell type as tumors that researchers have found to be increased in humans who have used cell phones for over 10 years. Thus, researchers say this animal evidence confirms the human evidence (Hardell 2019.)