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To: Prime Minister

abolish Work Capability Assessments as inhumane and degrading

Abolish what amounts arguably to the degrading and inhumane ofclaimants who are disabled or have long term physical or mental health issues via the abolition of the ESA Work Capability Assessments.

Why is this important?

It impacts on the mental health and wellbeing of so many claimants who have long term illness, disabilities or mental health issues. Article 3 of the Human Rights Act states that it is illegal to subject people to inhumane or degrading treatment. Althoughno causal link between Work capability assessments, deaths and suicides can be categorically proven , there is evidence of hundreds of deaths for people subject to benefit sanctions made after these assessments .
Endthis inhumane practice now! Call upon the PM to abolish these degradinginhumane assessments now



2019-02-28 03:04:20 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-04-05 23:03:18 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-11-20 20:19:14 +0000

10 signatures reached