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To: Caerphilly County Borough Council

Action on Caerphilly Town Air Quality

Implement measures set out in the Air Quality Action Plan.

Why is this important?

In 2008 parts of Caerphilly Borough were designated as an Air Quality Management Area due to high levels of nitrogen dioxide, which is associated with lung disease and respiratory problems. Caerphilly town centre is a specific problem area. In 2014 the Council approved an Air Quality Action Plan, which included traffic management measures designed to address the problems.

Measures include short term steps and longer term strategies, such as reducing the amount of traffic passing through narrow town centre streets by building a south eastern by-pass. There is no evidence that such a measure will increase traffic or pollution; rather it will re-route traffic through non-populated areas. Modelling carried out to date suggests the measures set out in the action plan will significantly reduce pollution levels in the town centre.

To date there has been a lack of action. The action plan suggests further work is subject to further modelling and further funding. The residents of Caerphilly derserve action, not words. Our health and the health of our children is at stake. We call on the Council to take action.

Caerphilly Castle, Castle Street, Caerphilly

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2019-02-06 12:58:22 +0000

50 signatures reached

2017-02-07 17:58:02 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-12-20 22:54:55 +0000

10 signatures reached