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Allow Sativex on NHS prescription in the rest of GB not just Wales

Allow Sativex for pain relief on prescription in the rest of GB not just Wales.

Why is this important?

I've suffered with chronic back and leg pain for 16 years and have to rely on morphine based pain relief which has many bad side effects which control my life.

I've been told lots of times to try cannabis and how good it is for pain, but I no longer smoke and do not know how to use it in food or where to get hold of a good quality product.

Sativex is legally prescribed in Wales and is cannabis based. After years of testing it has been proven to give pain relief to people with MS, ME, Fybromyalgia,and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome all of which are terribly dibilitating illnesses.

All l would ask for myself is a trial period just to see if it offers help with my pain so that I could get some of my life back and get off morphine which is in so many ways a poison to my body after being on it for over 10 years.

How it will be delivered





2016-09-19 18:20:44 +0100

50 signatures reached

2016-09-12 21:14:54 +0100

25 signatures reached

2016-09-12 15:06:58 +0100

10 signatures reached