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To: Westminster Government

Nullify Scotland Bill votes on Dissolving the Scottish Parliament and Repealing Human Rights Act

We the people of Scotland wish the Scottish Parliament to be assured of its permanency as promised in 'The Vow' and also that Scotland will keep it's right to veto the repeal of 'The Human Right's Act'
We request that result of the Vote on the Scotland Bill in regard of both of the above be nullified as neither The Conservative Party or Labour Party have a mandate in Scotland and therefore the said vote is illegitimate.

Why is this important?

The Scottish Parliament was brought into being to bring the standards of democracy in Britain up to those in other parts of the European Union. For Westminster to give itself the right to disolve that parliament at any time without the agreement of the Scottish people is not only against the will of the Scottish people but the will of the Council of Europe.
In taking away the Scottish Governments power to veto the repeal 'The Human Rights' Act, Westminster also taking away the rights of the Scottish people who did not vote for the Conservatives or Labourbut voted for 56 SNP mps to represent them.



2015-06-17 08:35:11 +0100

1,000 signatures reached

2015-06-16 18:39:55 +0100

500 signatures reached

2015-06-16 13:22:10 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-06-16 12:10:42 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-06-16 11:46:20 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-06-16 11:30:13 +0100

10 signatures reached