To: Government and the health authorities

Ban the use of Methylisothiazoline Ap123 and Methylchloroisothiazolinone Ap124

Ban the use of this preserver in all beauty products. I.e
Body washes, soap, make up, body lotions, baby wet wipes, etc.

Why is this important?

The use of
Methylisothiazoline Ap123 and Methylchloroisothiazolinone Ap124 are preservatives and used in most moistrasisers, make up, baby fragranced wet wipes, washing up liquid, perfume, deodrant, etc.
I can list a whole load of things this is used in and im pretty sure if you look at the ingredients in most of your soaps, body washes, make up, sun screen, perfume's, t tree products, shampoo, etc you will find it in them!!

Methylisothiazoline Ap123 and Methylchloroisothiazolinone Ap124

This is used as a presevative to make the products last longer.
But what annoys me the most is the use of this product on sensative skin products, yet for people like me with sensative skin and an eczema suffer i can't use the products because it contains this Chemical, it's in so many things!!
This does not help excema suffers or sensitive skin sufferers or any other skin problems you may have.
This Chemical has ONLY BEEN BANNED in 1 country... YES THAT'S RIGHT 1 COUNTRY!!!
I would like to bring a ban on the use of this Chemical in our product's in ENGLAND, as it is not good for our skin and can cause you to itch and come out in a rash due to this chemical being used.
Unless you have a patch test done and get tested you can not tell if you are allergic to it.
I want people to be aware of this and the more people know about this the better.
Thank you for reading and please sign it to make this happen for people who suffer like me and fight this battle everyday.
