To: Nicky Morgan MP Secretary of State for Education, Minister for Women and Equalities

Books in the bus stops in London: Bookstops

Dear Nicky Morgan would you please support this campaign to create stands with free books in some bus stops in London?

We want to create free spaces in the bus stops where people can read free books, in this way we can create culture while we wait for our bus instead of being completely stuck to our phone screens. You can exchange books, you can give some books, you can take books for free. This should be intended as a synergy for ourselves from ourselves.

Why is this important?

Books that you have read, books that seem too old but tell our history, books that you think the next generations should read, why should we keep them isolated from the world? Why not share them with everyone?! In this technological era where everything is moving so fast, where social networks command our daily life, a book can save us and make us comeback to our roots and untangle who we are. This is why this campaign is so important; to have the liberty to read a book that can remind us that there are stories that cannot be forgotten because they represent a part of ourselves.


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