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To: Justine Greening the Secretary of State for Education

Bringing Nature Into Education

To include outdoor classrooms into the national curriculum and support the many independently run nature schools, clubs and groups already aware of the benefits it brings to the development of young minds and bodies.

Why is this important?

There is more and more evidence to show that being educated and playing in nature has huge short and long term benefits. Enhancing mental and physical wellbeing, empowering children to be creative in all areas of their young lives and unifying them as one with nature and each other regardless of gender, race, colour, disabilities or beliefs.
Countries who have better academic results than here in the U.K. are embracing these methods of schooling and attribute them to their success. It's time the education system stopped making short term changes and investing into a long term plan which will bring the change everyone here and globally desperately want to see for future generations. The children of today are the leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, doctors and creative beings of tomorrow. They will be the inspiration for the generations to come and bring the change we ourselves so long to see. Only with the government working alongside nature schools, groups and individuals can we make that a reality by creating the stage on which they can perform.

For reference to these facts I recommend a visit to the Children & Nature Network website:



2016-11-21 02:20:35 +0000

10 signatures reached