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To: Justice Secretary Alex Chalk & Prime Minister Rishi Sunak


Potential Risk Arising From Toxic Gas In Landfills

We are calling for a truthful public debate and investigation into the tragic death of 7 year old Zane Gbangbola, who died when hydrogen cyanide was found in his home as floodwater rose beneath.

Why is this important?

Zane died in his home on 8 February 2014, a day after his home in Chertsey was hit by severe floods. His parents Nicole and Kye were hospitalised in a critical condition.

Evidence suggests the cause of Zane’s death was hydrogen cyanide, a toxic gas that can lurk in unregulated landfill - like the one by their house - released from the ground by mixing with floodwater. But it took Public Health England 14 weeks to confirm to the family that hydrogen cyanide was indeed found in their flooded house. And despite this the pathologist was never told to test Zane’s blood for hydrogen cyanide.

Nicole and Kye are bereaved parents who deserve to know what really happened to their son. They have been left ‘broken’ by the death of their son and frustrated by the lack of answers.

Zane's father Kye, who was left paralysed from the same incident and whose diagnosis is paraplegia due to Hydrogen Cyanide poisoning, says:

“We really want to push and find answers because it is wrong that these risks can occur. Ideally this is something we would like to be able to highlight nationally. This deadly gas has come from somewhere, the authorities need to admit its presence, investigate its source and act to prevent more deaths and illness.

We miss Zane every second of the day and all those who spent time with Zane commented that Zane was a truly remarkable boy. We would not want anyone else to experience this pain and burden of a living hell”.




2020-08-06 15:14:45 +0100

We are on BBC News today 6th August 2020 - Please read: Chemical waste poisoning claims 'backed'

2020-03-31 17:42:28 +0100

Please listen to our Extinction Rebellion Rebel Radio interview

2020-02-22 16:54:45 +0000

Zane's new video following House ofLords Commemoration. Please watch and share widely.
Thank you

2020-02-13 11:51:59 +0000

Labour’s Sir Keir Starmer, Richard Burgon and Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham were among those in a House of Lords meeting on Wednesday to insist the government launch an Independent Public Inquiry into the tragedy.

2020-02-10 21:17:48 +0000

100,000 signatures reached

2020-01-16 13:04:58 +0000

Dear Supporters,

URGENT HELP NEEDED - As we approach the anniversary of Zane's death, we ask that we all pull please pull together for one final push to reach 100,000 signatures and march on Downing Street.


Can you please help spread the word by forwarding the link below to your friends?


Zane's mummy and daddy

2019-11-25 10:22:28 +0000

Dear Supporters,
Zane is named in the Manifesto!
A public inquiry could open into the death of seven-year-old Zane Gbangbola if Labour win the general election.
Jeremy Corbyn's party made the pledge in its manifesto, which was released on Thursday (November 21), among a number of cases that it has described as "historical injustices".
Within the 105-page manifesto, the party vowed to "consider a public inquiry in the case of Zane Gbangbola", as well as ensuring the "second phase of the Grenfell Inquiry has the confidence of all those affected, especially the bereaved families and survivors".

Little steps but we are pushing forward in everyway we can to get the truth for Zane and ensure that what happened to Zane never happens again. 

Love and Solidarity 

Zane's parents

2019-10-21 22:48:23 +0100

Dear Supporters,
Zane should be 13 today and here is a short video made by Zane's mother

Please also read today's article in the Mirror. General Secretary Matt Wrack told the Mirror: “It is a scandal that Zane’s family still have not heard the truth about his death. We have serious concerns about how the inquest was conducted.

“There are troubling gaps in evidence and many questions that remain unanswered. Surrey firefighters found the deadly nerve gas hydrogen cyanide in Zane’s home.

2019-10-14 19:42:40 +0100

Dear Supporters,

LATEST UPDATE: BBC NEWS Zane Gbangbola evidence targets Thames flood inquest 'gaps'

2019-09-28 16:20:18 +0100

Dear Supporters,

Please see our latest update

2019-07-27 15:19:15 +0100

Dear Supporters,

We have endured corruption and cover-ups overs Zane's death. They have dehumanised Zane in every way they could. We will NOT be silenced and we will NEVER Stop fighting to ensure what happened to Zane never happens again. 

You can order your copy here:

Zane's daddy and I would like to thank you for buying the limited edition book in advance and supporting our quest of Truth and Justice for Zane.


Nicole (Zane's Mummy)

2019-07-16 15:18:05 +0100


IF YOU SIGNED ZANE’s PETITION OVER 5 years ago, please sign again.

Just had an shocking conversation with 38Degrees. The petition signatures have dropped to 82,020! Almost 2000 lost in a second. Because of the GDPR all those signed over 5 years ago are wiped out. So we now have a doubled ended worm. We need to clear 17,000 to make 100,000 before the next harvest of names.

2019-07-03 00:29:52 +0100

Richard Burgon MP Shadow Secretary of State for Justice and Shadow Lord Chancellor tweeted again his support for TruthAboutZane

2019-06-11 16:56:49 +0100

This week thousands of people will be heading to parliament for the second anniversary of the Grenfell Tower fire in which 72 loved ones lost their lives. Zane’s parents Kye and Nicole have been asked by Justice4Grenfell to speak outside Downing Street about their campaign to find out the truth and the overlaps of environmental contamination.

If you are able, please join us and show Zane’s parents that they do not walk alone.. Saturday 15th June, 12 noon. Assemble Whitehall opp Downing Street, London W1A 1AA

2019-05-05 12:25:22 +0100

Please donate £20 for a copy of TruthAboutZane book. Once we have sold 2000 copies we can print. Zane's death whilst an inconvenient truth for the authorities must not be silenced. Lessons must be learnt and future deaths prevented