500 signatures reached
To: HM Queen Elizabeth II
Call for the dissolution of parliament

Call for the immediate dissolution of the current parliament,.
Why is this important?
The policies of your government are causing, the deaths, homelessness, increased poverty and child poverty, among your subjects, with people taking their own lives because they can no longer cope with the way they are being treated by your government, due to welfare cuts,and unfair sanctions, and the spare room subsidy (bedroom tax) increased risk of flooding due to cuts in funding to flood relief.
All being done in the name of austerity. But with all the money the cuts are saving them why is this country getting further and further into debt.Where is all the money from these cuts going.your subjects are suffering and dying needlessly as most financial experts agree that austerity doesn't work.
This government needs to be stopped before more people die or are made homeless needlessly. This government needs to be stopped before this country has been destroyed beyond repair, they are selling off one of our greatest institutions the NHS, do you really want to be the queen of a country that sees the return of workhorses for the poor because they have completely dismantled the welfare state, a country where the poorest and most vulnerable, and the disabled, can not afford healthcare, because they have sold of the NHS,
This was once a great country but it is fast becoming a laughing stock around the world, when a rich country like ours is being investigated by the UN for the treatment of disabled and for child poverty. Please help to defend your subjects from the excesses of your government.
All being done in the name of austerity. But with all the money the cuts are saving them why is this country getting further and further into debt.Where is all the money from these cuts going.your subjects are suffering and dying needlessly as most financial experts agree that austerity doesn't work.
This government needs to be stopped before more people die or are made homeless needlessly. This government needs to be stopped before this country has been destroyed beyond repair, they are selling off one of our greatest institutions the NHS, do you really want to be the queen of a country that sees the return of workhorses for the poor because they have completely dismantled the welfare state, a country where the poorest and most vulnerable, and the disabled, can not afford healthcare, because they have sold of the NHS,
This was once a great country but it is fast becoming a laughing stock around the world, when a rich country like ours is being investigated by the UN for the treatment of disabled and for child poverty. Please help to defend your subjects from the excesses of your government.