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To: The government and the Media

Change the term 'benefits' to 'social support'.

End the discrimination of those people in the UK who need financial support from the government by changing the language used from 'benefits' to 'social support'.
The government and the media should call it what it is and end the hatred aimed at those needing social support, who are amongst the most vulnerable in our society.

Why is this important?

Any of us could lose our jobs, become disabled or find ourselves struggling and in need of help, and we will hopefully all grow old, so let’s change our language when we talk about ‘state benefits’. Change the term to ‘state support’ and we start to talk about it for what it really is.
Whilst the government is not likely to make the change (it would highlight how morally corrupt their policies have become), I hope this campaign will raise awareness about the true nature of social support and show the government how proud we are as a nation to have a welfare system, and that we are determined to protect it. Let’s show the government that we haven’t lost our compassion as a nation.


2017-09-17 11:42:36 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-09-02 00:25:51 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-07-19 21:31:25 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-07-19 19:42:22 +0100

10 signatures reached