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To: Prime Minister David Cameron

Come clean about UK involvement in Brazilian torture

Give the Brazilian government's Truth Commission the papers it has asked for, giving more information about British involvement with torture by the former Brazilian dictatorship.

Why is this important?

Brazil's democratic government is investigating the torture and disappearances which took place under its previous military dictatorship, but so far the British government has ignored their request for access to British government paperwork. The Brazilian government has implicated the British government which trained them in the so-called "English system" which had been used on Irish prisoners. Ex-colonel Paulo Malhaes is quoted in their report as saying "psychological torture was best, and England was the best place to learn it”. At a time when there is rightful revulsion at further revelations of torture in the US the British government must stop the cover-up and come clean about its involvement in torture by the former Brazilian dictatorship.

For more details see



2015-09-23 11:47:25 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-12-11 17:48:42 +0000

10 signatures reached