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To: NHS health professionals

Recognition of Pathological Demand Avoidance by health professionals

I would like health care professionals and C.A.H.M.S to commission P.D.A (Pathological Demand Avoidance) National Autistic Society acknowledge this as part of being on the autistic spectrum but it also very complex. Please see below to sign the government petition for health care professionals to recognise and understand PDA

Why is this important?

The government acknowledges PDA within autism spectrum. PDA was looked at during NICE Guidance Development (

Although there is some good practice within services who identify the profile, this is still not common place.

We need all NHS services working with ASD to recognise the profile so that adapted autism strategies can be used.

Also to avoid misconceptions and misdiagnosis being caused in these individuals.

Why this is important

Although there is some good practice within services who identify the profile, this is still not common place.

We need all NHS services working with ASD to recognise the profile so that adapted autism strategies can be used.

Also to avoid misconceptions and misdiagnosis being caused in these individuals.

Also so that individual needs can be clearly identified to support the implementation of SEN Codes of practice when identifying and providing for individual education and health care needs.

What's actually happening on the ground across the UK!

The Government identifies PDA as part of the autism spectrum.

Parents of autistic children are receiving misinformation when seeking advice from NHS, they are being told PDA does not exist.

Individuals are Struggling to obtain autism assessment for their children.

THEY ARE Having to defend their parenting.

Their children being misdiagnosed with MENTAL HEALTH conditions rather than autism

How it will be delivered

Demonstration London UK

Tuesday 15th May 2018 @ 1230




2018-03-17 08:05:56 +0000

So the government are moving forward regarding recognition & awareness, let's step this up & get this signed to get "camhs commissioned to assess for PDA", via @38_degrees

Please share as far and wide, unless we increase the pressure, they the government the and nhs will just sit back!

2018-03-09 20:00:56 +0000

2017-10-08 10:39:54 +0100

500 signatures reached

2017-10-02 19:48:22 +0100

100 signatures reached

2017-10-02 14:06:43 +0100

50 signatures reached

2017-10-02 12:01:24 +0100

25 signatures reached

2017-10-02 11:25:38 +0100

10 signatures reached