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To: Bath & N.E. Somerset Council

Consult on 4th option for East of Bath Park and Ride

While welcoming B&NES Councils commitment to delivering a Park & Ride to the East of Bath, the current consultation is limited to the three worst possible sites, all of which damage our beautiful meadows. We want B&NES Council to consult on a fourth option - a hidden car park at the Bathhampton Junction.

Why is this important?

The Conservatives running B&NES have ignored the strong objections of local people and put forward three terrible sites for a Park & Ride, all of them on the beautiful meadows.
The options would all wreck the views enjoyed by residents and visitors and ruin our recreational use of the valley. The size of the sites are all too small and on their own won’t do much about the horrendous jams on London Road.

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2015-09-18 07:07:39 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-09-12 11:31:26 +0100

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2015-09-11 23:53:16 +0100

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2015-09-11 17:44:24 +0100

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