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To: Lynne Featherstone - Minister for Crime Prevention

Criminalise the sale of laughing gas to anyone under the age of 18

I would like the Government to make it an offence for Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) to be sold to anyone under the age of 18. The Government should also roll out a programme of drug education at schools, informing children of the harmful effects of Nitrous Oxide and other legal highs

Why is this important?

Children are putting themselves at risk be inhaling nitrous oxide, already 17 people of died as a result of its consumption. This is due to this product being so readily available, affordable and unregulated.
My concern is that very young innocent children will loose their lives from its use. Criminal gangs are now making fake cylinders as they see a market opportunity, this is only going to end in more deaths will youths having no idea of what they are inhaling.


2015-09-10 09:01:50 +0100

10 signatures reached