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To: Cyngor Gwynedd

Croesawu Ffoaduriaid yng Ngwynedd | Refugees Welcome in Gwynedd

Cynnig cartref i 50 o deuluoedd ffoaduriaid.

Offer to home 50 refugee families.

Why is this important?

Roedd Aylan, y plentyn bach a foddodd wrth ffoi o Syria, yn dair oed. Roedd ei dref wedi bod o dan ymosodiad gan Isis. Hefyd, bu farw ei frawd pump oed a'i fam wrth geisio cyrraedd diogelwch.

Ond meddai David Cameron: 'Ni fyddwn yn derbyn mwy o ffoaduriaid'. Mae o'n meddwl nad ydy'r rhan fwyaf ohonom yn poeni dim. Ond mae aelodau 38 Degrees. Nid ydym am i Gymru fod y math o wlad sy'n troi ei chefn wrth i bobl foddi wrth chwilio am loches.

Felly gadewch i ni sefyll yn gadarn dros y traddodiad Cymreig hir o helpu ffoaduriaid sy'n dianc rhag rhyfel. Gadewch i ni ddangos i Cameron ein bod ni, pobl Wynedd, yn falch o wneud ein rhan ac yn falch o roi lloches i bobl sydd angen ein cymorth.


Aylan, the toddler who drowned fleeing Syria, was just three years old. His town was under attack by Isis. His five year old brother and his mum also died trying to reach safety.

Yet David Cameron said ‘we won't take any more refugees’. He thinks that most of us don't care. But 38 Degrees members do care. We don't want Wales to be the kind of country that turns its back as people drown in their desperation to flee places like Syria.

So let's stand up for the long Welsh tradition of helping refugees fleeing war. Let's show Cameron that we, the people of Gwynedd, are proud to do our part and provide refuge to people in their hour of need.

Please sign and share, or start your own petition for your town or city here:

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2015-09-10 10:29:23 +0100

100 signatures reached

2015-09-09 18:51:23 +0100

50 signatures reached

2015-09-07 11:48:51 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-09-05 13:23:58 +0100

10 signatures reached