To: Home Office

Current university failed asylum seekers should be allowed leaves to remain

Failed Asulum seekers who already stared their degrees at Universitues should be granted discretionary leaves to remain in the United Kingdon under exceptional circumstances. Majority of these students are paying international fees and when their asylum claims are finally refused and all appeal rights are exhausted, the home office let them to complete their studies. The home office hostility to deport them forcefully is breach of of human ECHR of right to education.

Why is this important?

It will save the future of individuals who are vulnerable to immigration status in the uk. Education is basic right of everyone and no one can snatch this right. Education is the only way that can change not only the status of individual but also it can change the society and the world. The home office is treating educated people like animals. So we can not allow the home office do do that.

United Kingdom

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