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To: The Queen

Demand that the Queen divests from industries that cause harm.

The undersigned demand that you divest from all industries that cause harm to the environment, wildlife, livestock and humans, for example fossil fuels, Chemicals, Minerals, and Depleted Uranium and invest in the renewable energy sector. This will not only protect the environment but will also create millions of jobs and boost the economy.

Why is this important?

If investors stop funding these damaging industries they will have to change their view of the world and maybe even consider diversifying into the renewable energy sector which will not only clean up the planet but provide millions of jobs which will do more for the economy than unconventional gas and oil.



2014-10-25 23:54:26 +0100

100 signatures reached

2014-10-25 21:35:34 +0100

50 signatures reached

2014-10-25 20:56:27 +0100

25 signatures reached

2014-10-25 20:44:17 +0100

10 signatures reached