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To: UK Government

Disbarred by Association

Remove restrictions on any form of employment SOLELY because of criminality of OTHER persons who might reside in a household, whether related or not.

Why is this important?

Because this type of discrimination is absolutely abhorrent. Three hundred teachers have been prevented from teaching because somebody else in their household has a criminal record of a proscribed nature. The household could include lodgers, children, people who are being cared for by the relatives within the household. A wayward family member, or worse any person living in the house such as a lodger could precipitate suspension and even removal from a job. The restrictions are independent of timescale, and so a single criminal act from many years ago could precipitate problems for all others within the household.


2015-05-10 14:39:22 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-02-09 18:53:48 +0000 Thsi isn't new, but has come to the fore. EVEN WHEN other householders have no legit access to school, are not related, live in a flat share etc etc etc!

2015-02-09 08:11:46 +0000

10 signatures reached