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To: Cameron

Do Not Bomb Syria -

Stop bombing the Middle East. The consequences of our devastation on Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya can never be righted --- we the people regret them all we do not want to be in the position of regretting the downfall of beautiful Syria at our hands too. Stop following America in its dreadful never ending war --- Orwell wrote a book which you are making come true. In the name of all that is wonderful stop. Britain bombing Syrian will be against International Law.

Why is this important?

We do not know who Cameron will really be giving orders to our Air Force to bomb,.We do not know for sure that Britain is not arming IS in order to bring the Syrian Government down, in order to impose an American chosen Islamic dictatorship in Syria. We are getting conflicting reports but what we do know for sure is that we shall bomb Syrian civilians. Give peace a chance even if it means British Arms sales suffer.

10 Downing Street, Downing Street, London

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2015-11-26 18:16:08 +0000

25 signatures reached

2015-11-24 10:12:00 +0000

10 signatures reached