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To: Peter Bone MP

Don't cut vital support for disabled people in Wellingborough

Oppose the planned cuts to Personal Independence Payments.

Why is this important?

George Osborne has announced plans to take £70 a week away from thousands of people with disabilities, by cutting Personal Independence Payments (PIP). For many of us, this will mean losing the crucial support which enables us to get out of the house.

Many people in our area would be hit hard by this cut. This petition calls on our local MP to do all they can to stop this cruel and unfair plan.

Please, show your support for local people with disabilities and help stop the cuts to PIP.




2016-03-20 14:31:32 +0000

i have now been asked to possibly set up an event to get physical signatures in town, anyone got an idea of the best way to do this.

2016-03-19 14:52:07 +0000

100 signatures reached

2016-03-19 12:59:13 +0000

we are upto 93 so far, thankyou to everyone who has signed, please share it about, the more we get the bigger the pressure on the mps. Thankyou

2016-03-18 22:10:00 +0000

50 signatures reached

2016-03-18 19:54:47 +0000

25 signatures reached

2016-03-18 19:22:12 +0000

10 signatures reached