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To: the UK Government

End HMRC's Freedom of Information loophole

We call on the Government to introduce legislation to close HMRC's Freedom of Information loophole as a first step towards transparent taxation of multinationals.

Why is this important?

Almost all public bodies are required to release information about companies under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, but there is a special exception ('loophole') that means HMRC does not have to do so. The loophole is contained in Sections 18 & 23 of the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act 2005.
This exception means that HMRC does not have to (and cannot) release information about corporate tax payers even when it can be shown that the public interest is harmed by non-disclosure. In fact, HMRC would not have to release information it holds even in cases where corporations have acted illegally or knowingly misled the British public about the tax they pay.
Whilst we accept that private individuals have a right to privacy, we fail to see why this right extends to the tax affairs of multinationals and other large corporates.

How it will be delivered

The petition will be sent to the Government.



2016-08-13 21:53:13 +0100

10 signatures reached