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To: Her Majesty's Government, and the Ministry of Defence, or a V.I.P who will be selected by the group.

Equal pension rights for Veterans of Her Majesty's Forces.

Pay Veteran members of the forces who served before and up to 1975, a pro rate pension in retrospect of time served.

Why is this important?

1 Service persons contributed indirectly to pensions by adjusted pay, and receive nothing for thier contributions.
2 Many Veterans served long periods of service, but due to many reasons did not reach the required 15 years service for officers, or 22 years for other ranks.
3 Many were demobbed as low a 2 days before reaching the pensionable 15 or 22 years.
Families supported their partners and parents, moving at least every 3 years on postings, or living without a partner for long periods. Children were subjected to new schools, and teachers, or were boarded. All service persons had the vision of leaving the services after the required period with a good gratuity, and pension. And of course the chance of being able to work, and increasing the resulting pension at pensionable age. How many were demobbed a few days before the full serving period?. Many Veterans today just manage to exist, pride is that what keeps them going. They also live in the knowledge that service persons today receive a pension pro rate after just 2 years service.
This is not only an abuse of equal rights, but also unfair, we need help because of the negative attitude towards our efforts to get justice.
Things are not getting better for Veterans, not only are many on the bread line, but now are suffering abuse, as a thanks for the service, and loyalty given over the years.

How it will be delivered

We wish to deliver the petition as a packet, and presented by members of our group.




2021-12-02 12:24:23 +0000

Hi all We would like to thank you all for the support we have rcvd Here and on our group We have never ceased to work to prove that we have been subject to the öpwest form of treatment an employer can use to avoid treating thier empoyees correctly. Stay Safe and a Happy Advent

2021-10-25 07:13:28 +0100

Hi due to the virus things have slowed down a bit, but we are still working hard on the group to get our Pension rights.

2021-09-15 14:45:38 +0100

Peter Wroe
Another idea , how about a day at the National Arboretum, would they allow a gathering maybe a press photo? This is an aswer on the grou FB we are considering a march in the larger cities. Any ideas would be greatfuly rcvd here.

2021-09-07 07:43:34 +0100

Good morning all, due to Cornova we have like many Orgs been slowed down, we have however on the group been as active as possible, and have now contacted some news papers for assistance. We are stiil gathering information and it is an eye opener when a veteran writes how he or her was robbed. Wishing you all Stay Safe, and take care.

2021-08-10 12:56:38 +0100

Take note of the Picture it is taken from the Daily Express on page 41 8th August.

2021-08-10 12:55:22 +0100

2021-08-01 12:37:34 +0100

Below, states what happened to thousands of veterans, not only pre 1975ers. we were contracted 365 days a year at 24 hours per day, and many of us did this type of hours But as there was no overtime or the like the basic pay minus 7% for Pension costs we were even done on our Old Age Pension, as the basic minus the 7% was used to calculate the pension rate. a big fiddle as not even the increased working time was calculated.

2021-08-01 12:32:22 +0100

John E Cole
· ·
Ian Rawlinson
John E Cole plus even worse, because they classed our NI contributions as reduced it affects your state pension even more because they claim not enough contributions at the higher rate to get a full state pension. We where discriminated against ALL ways.🙄
Ian wrote his post, and hit one of the problems that of course hits us all----Our standard pension has been derived from our decreased pay. 7% less when valuing the state pension. Meaning that we have been ROBBED not only by the loss of a Military pension but by a decreased STATE Pension.

2021-07-27 10:59:59 +0100

We know that we have been watched and are being watched but we take that risqué as our aim is worth it. We will never back down no matter who is against us. and smooth words that have been used do not impress us at all. Stay safe.

2021-07-27 10:56:51 +0100

We on the group are now contacting our MPs and delivering a Document with Addendum. it has been compiled from research done by our admins on the group, the sources of our info all official, we also used the FOI Freedom of Information method as well. Please mail me on top-table@t-online if you would contact your Mps and i will mail you the info needed.

2021-05-24 08:54:47 +0100

We are well on toward the 30,000 mark, super. Tell your friends to sign up if they agree with our aims. We thank you all in advance. Stay Safe.

2021-05-20 12:55:41 +0100

Hi all a big thanks to you all for the effort, and thanks to those who will sign up in the future. So many of us have been on the last parade, RIP too them all, sorry we did not make the target for you. Thanks too 38° fior providing this super platform, Stay Safe and take care.

2018-07-28 19:13:45 +0100

20,000 signatures reached

2015-05-31 20:11:55 +0100

10,000 signatures reached

2015-01-22 21:37:34 +0000

5,000 signatures reached