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To: social services and the court

fight for karrissa cox and richard carters child

I want justice for this young couple who have had their child taken from them by the courts for adoption; before it was found that the evidence was not secure .The child was found to have a blood disorder that caused sever bruising and a suspected fracture of the skull was lack of vitamin d .Yet a paediatric said the child had been abused this was found to not be true at their trial and thee child has been adopted.I want to support the parents .

Why is this important?

Because the child should not have been given up for adoption until they had been tried.It's disgusting that the social services can give away a 6 week old baby before it has been confirmed by a judge and jury has heard all the evidence on one persons view no way should this be allowed we must stand behind these parents for the sake of future mistakes


2015-10-10 19:30:26 +0100

10 signatures reached