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To: Mark Carney, Governor of the bank of England.

For Alfred Russel Wallace to be included on the back of the ten pound note along with Darwin.

Please include Alfred Russel Wallace on the back of the ten pound note along with his friend and co-discoverer of evolution by natural selection.
On the 1st of July 1858, Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace jointly presented their scientific paper to the Linnean Society on their theory of evolution by natural selection. Yet, today, the contribution and dedication of Alfred Russel Wallace has largely been forgotten by the general public and his omission from the back of the ten pound note only re-enforces that ignorance.

Why is this important?

Evolution by natural selection is one of the most important scientific theories of all time. It explains how living organisms evolve over generations and create new species.
Amazingly, not one but two British scientists had this idea roughly at the same time. They both had astounding adventures and suffered great hardship in their search for the truth and yet the contribution made by Wallace has largely been forgotten! It is time for that wrong to be righted by adding Wallace's portrait next to his friend and fellow adventurer, Charles Darwin.
There is still time before the ten pound note is redesigned in 2017 and the belated addition would help educate the general public of the truth behind Evolution.
London's Natural History Museum have had the vision to belatedly add a portrait of Wallace next to Darwin's statue so I hope the Bank of England will also have that same vision and courage to act.
A wrong not righted becomes an injustice!


2015-08-14 14:02:41 +0100

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