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To: Le Vacherin restaurant, Chiswick

Le Vacherin, Chiswick: please stop selling Foie Gras

Remove Foie Gras from your menu

Why is this important?

Le Vacherin is a small restaurant in Chiswick that persistently keeps Foie Gras on their menu despite complaints from local residents who do not want this accepted form of animal cruelty going on in their neighbourhood. It is time that restaurants like Le Vacherin started to care about the ethical treatment of animals bred for food, and to make their establishments happy environments that are suitable for all customers. They need to come in line with 21st century views on animal welfare.

Foie Gras is an extremely cruel food product that comes from ramming pipes down the throats of male ducks up to three times a day. Grain and fat is then into forced into their stomachs. The force-feeding causes their livers to swell up to 10 times their normal size. The process is banned in the UK but this vile product can be imported.

Le Vacherin must do what is morally right and remove this vile product from their menu.



2017-08-29 21:13:34 +0100

25 signatures reached

2015-10-30 11:22:05 +0000

10 signatures reached