To: Prime Minister + Dpt of Health

Getting NHS Continuing Nursing Care actually paid out

When people need continuing nursing care but have over £23,000 [hardly rich people] they do not qualify for any local authority help. Instead they have to jump through hurdles: if they pass the Checklist they qualify for a Decision Support Tool interrogation. This is 'loaded' because the NHS's co-ordinator gets to read the detail of the patient's file, but the patient/representative do not. All the decisions are based on evidence in the file so you have no supporting evidence you can cite. Result = application refused

Why is this important?

We know there are thousands of dementia [and other disease sufferers] in need of nursing, not just personal care. If they manage to find out about the processes and arm themselves with a copy of the DST they are in with half a chance but it is only half a chance.

Result = pay through the nose for care which the patient has already paid into the NHS and tax system for them to provide
