To: The Green Party of England and Wales
Green Party: Join Forces with Independents to Get Job-Sharing MPs

Please work together with the independent campaigners who are also working to get job-sharing MPs onto Britain's political map.
Why is this important?
As some of you may be aware, the Green Party tried to stand two candidates in Basingstoke (Sarah Cope and Clare Phipps), and the Electoral Commission rejected their application.
Four independent people (Rachel Ling, Emma Rome, Zion Zakari, and Adam Lotun) attempted to do the same in two other constituencies. We had been in talks with the GP leadership about working together, but have now received an email from the GP's legal advisor telling us that they have zero interest in cooperating to present the legal case.
I don't think that is right.
I believe the Green Party should work with independent campaigners to get job-sharing as an option for how candidates should be able to stand.
(n.b., I am referring to job-sharing, where two people are both committed to a single job, sometimes also known as flexible working. I am not referring to the second-jobbing that happens among many MPs currently, or the part-time antics of Boris Johnson).
Four independent people (Rachel Ling, Emma Rome, Zion Zakari, and Adam Lotun) attempted to do the same in two other constituencies. We had been in talks with the GP leadership about working together, but have now received an email from the GP's legal advisor telling us that they have zero interest in cooperating to present the legal case.
I don't think that is right.
I believe the Green Party should work with independent campaigners to get job-sharing as an option for how candidates should be able to stand.
(n.b., I am referring to job-sharing, where two people are both committed to a single job, sometimes also known as flexible working. I am not referring to the second-jobbing that happens among many MPs currently, or the part-time antics of Boris Johnson).