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To: the Scottish government

Help the family of Luciana Maurer get her home to Romania

Luciana Maurer was murdered in Falkirk Scotland and her family cannot afford the 10,000 euros to repatriate her body. I would like the Scottish Government to pay the costs to get her back home.

Why is this important?

Luciana came to Scotland to work and left a young daughter behind with her parents. She sent 300-400 euros a month to her family. Luciana was murdered and her family cannot afford to get her body home to Romania. It must be horrific for her family to lose a daughter and her daughter to lose her mum. They should be able to get her back home to lay her to rest and I am hoping the Scottish government can pay the costs to fly her body home.


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2014-12-17 21:07:51 +0000

Hi I started the petition to get Luciana home with her family there is going to be fundraising starting in the next few days I will post the details if you would like to help, and can I also say a big thankyou to every person who has signed this and can you please keep sharing on social media thank you from Shiona Macarthur

2014-12-17 18:38:02 +0000

1,000 signatures reached

2014-12-13 22:21:54 +0000

500 signatures reached

2014-12-11 21:01:57 +0000

100 signatures reached

2014-12-11 20:37:00 +0000

50 signatures reached

2014-12-11 20:25:12 +0000

25 signatures reached

2014-12-11 20:18:15 +0000

10 signatures reached