To: My local councillor, Haydn Preece

How to avoid WW3 - Airdrop North Korea with information

Work with the government both locally and nationally to work with the US to airdrop North Korea (NK) with information, in the form of iPhones etc; so the people can start to liberate their minds from oppression and finally learn about what's happening in the rest of the world...

Why is this important?

How to avoid WW3

The best antidote to dangerous propaganda and mass-induced misinformation is freedom of thought, conscience and opinion. Crush such subconscious authoritarian oppression and the doorway to liberty may start to open. The people themselves must come to feel freedom if change is ever to take place.

Jocko Willink‏, the former US Navy SEAL who tabled the idea to airdrop North Korea with iPHones is to be congratulated.

I for one hope that the governments of our world takes this man up on this novel way to bring liberty to the North Korean populace.

Jocko stated: "Drop 25 million iPhones on them and put satellites over them with free wifi."

I therefore ask our UK politicians to act on this suggestion and get cracking with the US government to achieve this very feasible aim to avert nuclear conflict.

How it will be delivered

Will give to my councillor by hand - if possible.


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