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To: Theresa May and Philip Hammond

I will home a refugee

Bob Gedolf has this week announced he would be happy to take on four refugee families in his homes in Kent and London.
Not everyone has an extra house, but many of us may have an extra room. If all of us who have a spare bed came together, how many people could we house until they are back on their feet?
Can we prove to Theresea may and Phillip Hammond that there is enough space to take on these people, and not over the course of five years as David Cameron has recently suggested, but now?

Why is this important?

We have all seen and been shocked by the recent refugee crisis, the thousands of people fleeing war, risking theirs and their children’ lives to cross the seas. Only to arrive in Calais, where the British Media has been painting these people as illegal migrants, who are only a drain on our resources. But we, the British people have been illustrating in droves that this is not how we see things- that these are people, just like us, who deserve to find safety. Many of us have taken over supplies to keep these people as fed and warm as possible, but tents are not a sustainable solution as the winter months loom. All across the country, we are signing petitions declaring the refugees are welcome in our towns.
But, politicians are still insisting that Britain, one of the most privileged countries in the world, does not have the resources to take on these people in such desperate situations right here on our doorstep.
Lets go a step further and prove that we can.
If we can get even as half as many signatures as there are refugees in Calais, we can give politicians an irrefutable argument that there is space and that when the Government fails to act, ordinary citizens will.

United Kingdom

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2015-09-17 16:08:45 +0100

10 signatures reached